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The Twofold Passover

Passover Lamb

Eastern Christians typically refer to the celebration of the Resurrection as Pascha rather than Easter. The Greek term pascha is derived from the Hebrew pesach meaning Passover. The term Pascha is employed differently across Eastern Christian traditions.

Baptismal Robes: Life and Death in Christ

Ethiopian Church

On a ride with a friend, he inquired “why do we put on white baptismal robes after we are baptized?” I pondered a bit then began answering him. This post you are about to read is a more polished version of my answer to her.

Holy Week Readings

Holy Week

In most Orthodox Churches, an expectation to read the four Gospels during Holy Week has become the standard. In the Coptic Orthodox Church, an added expectation of reading Psalms on Good Friday emerged. This should not come as a surprise. Jewish mourners often read Psalms between the time of an individual’s death and their burial. […]


Palm Sunday

On Palm Sunday, the multitudes shouted “Hosanna! Save us, O Son of David!” (Matthew 21:9; Mark 11:9-10; Luke 19:38; John 12:13). They were receiving the heavenly King as though He was an earthly king. In their minds, this Passover may well be the last one under Roman occupation as the new king, the Messiah, will […]