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Church History Summarized: The First Five Hundred Years

Throughout 2020, I had the blessing of collaborating with Theology Academy’s team to produce this series on Church History covering the first five hundred years.

You can watch the videos separately on the the following link as a playlist:

Alternatively, you can watch the whole series in a single 100-minute-video on the following link:

“When would I have the time to watch this?” You might ask. The answer would be trying to fit it in all the Christmas break movies you might be watching. I wholeheartedly hope that you enjoy these videos and find something new to learn.

Not a movie/video person and still want to learn about Church History?

Then, allow me to make a few Church History book recommendations:

The History of the Church From Christ to Constantine by Eusebius

Imperial Unity and Christian Divisions (450 – 680 AD) by John Meyendorff

The Greek East and Latin West (681 – 1071 AD) by Andrew Louth

The Christian East and the Rise of the Papacy (1071 – 1453 AD) by Aristeides Papadakis and Andrew Louth

The Story of Christianity by David Bentley Hart

Blessed Nativity Season and Merry Christmas in Advance!

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